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Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU)

Emergency Management Workforce Consortium

Resource Center

Image of booksThe HBCU Emergency Management Consortium is collecting resources that focus on HBCUs and emergency response training. Check back often as we add resources to the Resource Center.

New Website Sections

Emergency Management Programs at HBCUs and MSIs

New Resources

HBCU-Specific Information

Key Links

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Resources

COVID-19 Resources

FEMA’s Office of Equal Rights (OER) Resources

FEMA’s external stakeholders are a critical part of our nation’s emergency management team and we appreciate your engagement in these crucial conversations to identify actual and perceived biases impacting equal access to FEMA’s programs and activities.

NEW: Read FEMA’s response to the National Advisory Council’s Report to the FEMA Administrator (released in November 2020). This report marked the first time the NAC members were charged with specific areas of concern to address in the field of emergency management, rather than open-ended topics.  The report, and FEMA’s response, focuses on four main themes—equity, outcomes, coordination, and what works.

Building a Disaster-Resistant University (FEMA 443). This FEMA document provides planning guidance to higher education insitutions as they prepare to identify their risks, assess their vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards, and develop a hazard mitigation plan.

FEMA’s Civil Rights Summit Series 2020 After Action Report. This document summarizes the Summits presentation, leadership panel discussions, and question and answer topics, as well as key takeaways and next steps to further engage stakeholders and enhance equity, accessibility and environmental justice across FEMA programs and services. In addition, FEMA is providing information regarding a Request for Information (RFI) that can be viewed here

FEMA's Process Flowchart - How Does It Work? Recovering from a natural disaster can be difficult for you and your family.  When a disaster is declared by your local official and  State Governor, the President approves a disaster declaration for your State which encompasses approval for Individual Assistance.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can provide support to homeowners and renters who need assistance to recover. Review this diagram that outlines the process.


Listen and Learn Sessions

Emergency Management Activities from Individual HBCUs

Elizabeth City State University Poster Presenations and Resources

Additional Resources