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Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU)

Emergency Management Workforce Consortium

Did You Know

Image of newspaperInteresting things about the activities of the HBCU Emergency Management’s team towards emergency response. Check back often as we update the News You Can Use.

  • The Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) has been actively working to improve our emergency response capabilities (February 2023):
    • FAMU has been actively working to improve our emergency response capabilities. In February 2023, we participated in a full-scale exercise at Tallahassee Regional Airport to assess our coordination with local first responders in the event of a plane crash that could affect our campus directly.
    • We are also scheduled to collaborate with state and local emergency management, environmental agencies, and first responders in August to host a tabletop exercise that focuses on preparing for a train derailment scenario and determining how it would impact our campus as how we should respond to it.
    • Additionally, we are working closely with the Florida Division of Emergency Management to inspect our facilities as we prepare for hurricane season.
    • Last year, the Department of Homeland Security's, Cyber Infrastructure Security Agency conducted an Infrastructure Survey Tool to identify potential risk areas and provide us with information to minimize vulnerabilities.
    • We have been working with FEMA to recover any COVID-19 expenses that are reimbursable.
    • FAMU has been actively working to improve our emergency response capabilities. As a part of this effort, we are gradually introducing a free resource for the state of Florida universities funded by the Florida Legislature on Emergency Notifications. This resource is called FAMU ALERT, a communications system/application (Everbridge) that provides timely and accurate information about emergencies that can affect the university.
  • The Elizabeth City State University Emergency Management Program (ECSU EM) offers college level training to current and future EM practitioners. Learn more here