Howard University Telehealth Training Center
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CCCoP Knowledge Center

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Study GroupThe resource materials in the Knowledge Center are organized by the following categories:

Country-Specific Data and Resources

Case Studies

Case Study

A unique feature of the HU-CCCoP Program is the inclusion of case-based studies in every webinar to enhance the learning experience of clinicians.  Each case study is carefully designed to incorporate the social, cultural and clinical realities that are relevant to the Caribbean context.

Case studies actively engage webinar participants in problem solving and clinical decision making; and help them to apply the knowledge gained through discussion in their own clinical practice.

Access case studies here.

HIV/HCV CCCoP Webinar Series

HIV Clinical Practice Guidelines

HCV Clinical Practice Guidelines

Cultural Competency

Stigma and Discrimination

Links to HIV Care-Related Case Studies

The following links will lead you to case studies from previous projects implemented by the Howard University TeleHealth Training Center. They may be used as teaching and training resources for clinicians involved in HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

Addressing HIV Care of Adolescents: Case studies of provider to patient encounters with adolescents cover health literacy, trust and other socio-ethnic barriers. Cases also cover intra-ethnic variations involving adolescents and the need to avoid stereotyping in one's approach to care and treatment. 

Addressing HIV Care of Incarcerated People Living with HIV:  Case studies of provider to patient encounters covering cultural gaps in gender, age, health literacy, trust and other socio-ethnic barriers. Cases also cover intra-ethnic variations among incarcerated people living with HIV/AIDS and the need to avoid stereotyping in one's approach to care and treatment.

Addressing HIV Care of LGBTQ Persons:  Case studies cover the many cultural, socioeconomic and environmental factors that have impact on the LGBT patient population.  These scenarios cover issues of appropriate response and more effective patient encounters. 

Addressing HIV Care and Alternative Medicine:  Case studies of provider to patient encounters covering cultural gaps in gender, age, health literacy, trust and other socio-ethnic barriers. Cases also cover intra-ethnic variations among patients and the need to avoid stereotyping in one's approach to care and treatment. 

Addressing HIV Care and Substance Use:  Case studies that deal with substance use and/or abuse show cultural gaps in gender, age, health literacy, trust and other socio-ethnic barriers. Cases also cover intra-ethnic variations among those using or abusing substances and the need to avoid stereotyping in one's approach to care and treatment. 

Addressing HIV Care of Women: 
Case studies of provider to patient encounters covering cultural gaps in gender, age, health literacy, trust and other socio-ethnic barriers. Cases also cover intra-ethnic variations among women and the need to avoid stereotyping in one's approach to care and treatment