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Project Overview

Professor teaching

The Issue

Black Americans generally experience poorer health outcomes across a variety of diseases and conditions than White Americans. Research shows that health outcomes for Black patients are better when they are treated by Black doctors. However, while Blacks make up approximately 13% of the population, only about 5% of the physician workforce is Black. It is clear that in an increasingly diversifying country, there is a need for more Black physicians. They are more likely to work in underserved and under resourced communities; and they are more likely to conduct research on health issues of importance to Black communities. Despite a growing minority population, the number of Blacks graduating from medical schools remains paltry.

Project Goal

The primary purpose of the Howard University College of Medicine Center of Excellence (HUCOM CoE) Scholars Program is to (a) provide supportive programming that will enhance the capacity of Black undergraduate students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to successfully apply to and complete medical school and to (b) enter the physician workforce. As a model program, our goal is to contribute to the success of those in the HBCU community with the passion, will and talent to succeed as medical students and professionals. Complementary goals are to (a) improve the cultural competence of medical education (b) broaden its focus to address patients’ social determinants of health, and to (c) create a supportive environment for health equity and disparities research, particularly student-initiated studies. The overarching purpose of the program is to (a) level the playing field and advance the goal of parity in medical school recruitment, retention, and completion for minority students and (b) positively influence the pipelines and pathways to the medical profession.

Project Impact

The HUCOM CoE Scholars Program is needed because racial/ethnic disparities in healthcare access, utilization and outcomes continue to pose significant threats to health equity for all Americans. This program is committed to support and magnify the intent of Black students in their quest to become physicians. Their success will enhance the provision of culturally competent medical care to our communities and advance the goal of health equity. In addition, the anticipated impact of the presence of this highly trained physician cohort will further help to dismantle racial bias in our health care system.

About Our Scholars Program

Read more about our Scholars Program through the image below (click image for downloadable PDF or use this link) or through our downloadable flyer.

This is a schematic image of the scholar's program. Click for a PDF of the document