Howard University Telehealth Training Center
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The Howard University

HIV-HCV Caribbean Clinicians Community of Practice (CCCoP)

CCCOPHoward University HIV Telehealth Training Center (HU-TTC) has developed an innovative distance-based Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) training program for Caribbean clinicians who are interested in honing their skills in HIV and HCV testing, diagnosis, treatment, care and support.

The rationale for the Howard University HIV-HCV Caribbean Clinicians Community of Practice Program (CCCoP) is that despite a reported decline in HIV prevalence in the Caribbean over the past three decades, and despite its small population size, the Caribbean has continued to be branded with the second-highest HIV prevalence globally, after sub-Saharan Africa. Similarly, the percentage of people in the Caribbean with suppressed viral loads is well below the global average.

The project seeks to improve the clinical outcomes of Caribbean People Living with HIV (PLWH) and HCV by increasing the size and technical capacity of the Caribbean clinical workforce on best practices for HIV and HCV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, risk-reduction counseling and support.

The program engages Caribbean clinicians in capacity building through distance-based lectures. Using adult learning techniques, HU- CCCoP subject-matter expert faculty will instruct course participants in utilizing the latest science in HIV/HCV treatment and management to enhance their clinical skills. 

Accompanying the didactic component of the training will be related case-based studies. Case-based studies allows for participants to be actively engaged in problem solving and can strengthen analytical and decision-making skills in complex clinical situations. Participants will also be invited to participate in monthly structured Communities of Practice (CoP) opportunities. CoP is aimed at helping clinicians improve on their approaches to clinical decision making and problem solving via practice guidelines.

This Project is funded by a grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Check out our new webinar: HIV Primary Care Update
Thursday May 18, 2023
7:00-8:00 PM EST (NOTE NEW TIME!)


Register for New Webinars: 2023 Webinars Added!!! | Case Studies | Knowledge Center

Check out our on-demand videos of recorded live events!


Find out what's new with the CCCoP. Take a look at our Winter 2022 Newsletter!

Check out our new 2021/2022 webinar series!

Case Study

A unique feature of the HU-CCCoP Program is the inclusion of case-based studies in every webinar to enhance the learning experience of clinicians.  Each case study is carefully designed to incorporate the social, cultural and clinical realities that are relevant to the Caribbean context.

Case studies actively engage webinar participants in problem solving and clinical decision making; and help them to apply the knowledge gained through discussion in their own clinical practice.

Access case studies here.

Sunday, June 27, 2021, we recognize another important observance: National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). This day is an opportunity to encourage and emphasize the importance of HIV testing, which is essential to reducing HIV infections, improving health outcomes for people with HIV, and helping to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.

Live with Leadership - 40 Years of HIV: Federal Leadership. The HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) will hold a Live with Leadership conversation about 40 Years of HIV: Federal Leadership.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) COVID-19 Data Report, January 20, 2020 through December 31, 2020. This report is HRSA HAB’s first publication of national RWHAP aggregate-level data submitted through the CDR. Data are presented for January 20, 2020 through December 31, 2020.  Because data can be submitted on a retroactive and rolling basis, data presented are based on those submitted as of February 23, 2021, to allow time for the more recent months’ data to stabilize. Due to the ongoing nature of CDR reporting, however, the data contained in the report should be considered preliminary.

HRSA Blog. Stay up to date with news and updates from the federal blog.

HRSA COVID-19 Statement (09/16/20)

National Clinicians HIV/AIDS Testing & Awareness Day Recognized July 21

COVID-19 Resources for Advocates. This document is to help advocates with links to the latest information about COVID-19, including information on its prevention, transmission, relationship to HIV and research that’s underway. Many of the links below are constantly updated so please click through for the latest.

CCCoP Newsletter: Spring 2020. Learn about HIV and natural disasters, emergency preparedness materials for people living with HIV, thoughts from a subject matter expert, project impact, Hepatitis resources, project resources, voices from the field, and health awareness days.

New CCCoP Knowledge Center. Find the latest resources here!

CCCoP Newsletter: Winter 2020. Learn more about the project, our country focal points, a spotlight on Barbados, and HIV/AIDS awareness days.