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The AETC Capitol Region Telehealth "Power Podcast" series allows you to listen to experts in the field from your computer or mobile device. Designed for the busy professional, you can learn about cultural competence in the treatment of HIV/AIDS from your office or "On-The-Go."

Initiating or Restarting Therapy, Part II

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About this Podcast. In this podcast, Dr. Davis looks at a case study, discusses Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, the burden of cancer among persons affected by HIV, Diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, heart disease, kidney disease, and fields questions from the audience.

I Jean DavisAbout the Speaker. I. Jean Davis, Ph.D., P.A., AAHIVS, is an HIV Specialist at Desert AIDS Project Team. She has decades of HIV Education and Clinical Care. She became a faculty member of the AIDS Education Training Centers in the early 90s. She became board certified nearly 10 years later as an HIV Specialist. She has trained 100s of provider in the area of HIV and related issues and provided care for 100s of persons with HIV and their families.

Dr. Davis received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychobiology prior to pursing a professional career as a Physician Assistant. She was one the first 300 PAs to be licensed to practice medicine in the State of California. Dr. Davis continued her education and received a Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy and a Doctoral in Chiropractic Medicine. She was the first person in California to have the dual licensing as a Chiropractor and a Physician Assistant. Dr. Davis returned to school and completed a PhD in Preventive Medicine. She also has a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Research.

Her faculty positions have included Chiropractic Colleges, Physician Assistant Programs and Medical Schools. She has held faculty positions at Cleveland Chiropractic College, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science and UCLA, Geffen School of Medicine.

Full Podcast: For On-The-Go

Download: entire podcast to listen on-the-go | all slides (PPT) with notes to review when you're in your office

Podcast Sections: For Focused Review

In the Introduction (01:31) Marjorie Douglas-Johnson introduces Dr. Davis. The following learning objectives are presented.

  • Discuss the need and clinical process of initiating or restarting ART.
  • Discuss the benefits of antiretroviral therapy in reducing mortality and/or AIDS-related morbidity.
  • Discuss the role of ART in reducing the risk of disease progression in individuals infected with HIV.
  • Discuss the role of  ART in the prevention of transmission of HIV for individuals infected with HIV.

In Content Development, Training, and Case Study (22:09) Dr. Davis looks at a case study, discusses how the HIV infection is now considered to be a chronic disease best managed in a longitudinal care setting, examines the need and clinical process of initiating or restarting ART, explores the role of ART in reducing the risk of disease progression in individuals infected with HIV, the benefits of ART, including prevention of transmission, and fields questions from the audience.