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Tuskegee University

School of Nursing and Graduate Public Health Program

H-NIP Focus: Nursing
Tuskegee, AL
Population – Tuskegee (City): 8,544 (2018) *
PopulationAlabama (State): 4,853,875 **
No. of HIV Doctors: 103 ****
Number of Students Trained to Date: Nursing - 27

Tuskegee University is an independent, state-related institution of higher education. Its programs serve a student body that is coeducational as well as racially, ethnically and religiously diverse. With a strong orientation toward disciplines which highlight the relationship between education and work force preparation in the sciences, professions and technical areas, Tuskegee University also emphasizes the importance of the liberal arts as a foundation for successful careers in all areas. Accordingly, all academic majors stress the mastery of a required core of liberal arts courses. Tuskegee University was the first black college to be designated as a Registered National Historic Landmark (April 2, 1966), and the only black college to be designated a National Historic Site (October 26, 1974), a district administered by the National Park Service of the U. S. Department of Interior.

The School of Nursing and Allied Health offers undergraduate programs leading to baccalaureate degrees in Nursing, Health Sciences degree in Clinical/ Medical Laboratory Sciences,(CLS/ MLS) formerly called Medical Technology (Med.Tech., MEDT), and an entry level Master’s in Occupational Therapy.  These programs are designed for students who wish to pursue a career in nursing or the allied health professions.  All professional disciplines are accredited by their national accrediting agencies.

Location HIV Prevalence AIDS Prevalence
AL 12,316** 12,651***
Tuskegee NA NA

**** for reference, link accessed 01/14/2019; link no longer active

Contact Name
Constance Smith Hendricks, RN, FAAN
Dean & Professor

Contact Information
T: 334-727-8382
F: 334-727-5461