MSI-H2P Resources
Materials for Project Partners
Resources: U.S. Virgin Islands
Health Department to Recognize Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on
June 8, The St. Johns Source U. S. Virgin Islands, June 7
This article is about the Caribbean region having the second highest prevalence HIV rate in the world after sub-Saharan Africa
The Virgin Islands Department of Health – Communicable Diseases Division (STD/HIV/TB – Fact Sheet)
Resources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center
- On-The-Go Power Podcast Series. Ongoing series that discusses topics of interest to clinicians in Washington, DC.
- Case Study Bank and eRounds. Archived webinar segments that discuss case studies of patients that providers may encounter in practice in Washington, DC.
- Knowledge Center. Access to over 500 online resources related to telehealth, HIV/AIDS, and cultural and linguistic competence.