MSI-H2P Resources
Materials for Project Partners
Resources: Texas
- HIV-STD Program - The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) HIV/STD Program has the duty to identify, report, prevent, and control HIV, AIDS, and STDs in the State of Texas. The Program is dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV and other STDs while minimizing complications and costs. This is achieved primarily through education, prevention counseling, screening and testing, partner elicitation and notification, and the provision of medical and social services. While some of these services are directly provided, most are provided through contracts with community-based agencies.
- Texas HIV Syndicate- The Texas HIV Syndicate serves as the statewide HIV/STD community planning group for Texas. Drawing from the broad recommendations in the Texas HIV Plan and related planning documents, Syndicate members make policy, system, and practice recommendations and create tools to help regional stakeholders address HIV and other STDs with evidence-based strategies tailored to meet regional needs.
- Testing and Treatment Guidelines - The Department of State Health Services HIV/STD Program follows national guidelines in the care and treatment of HIV and STDs. These guidelines are developed by groups with national recognition as leaders in their respective fields and include the CDC, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of AIDS Research Council, National Institute of Health, and the AIDS Education and Training Center. These links are provided as a care and treatment resource for physicians, healthcare professionals, and other health care consumers. Recommendations for care and treatment can change; consumers are encouraged to consult sources regularly for updates.
Resources: Texas/Rio Grande Valley
Resources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center
- On-The-Go Power Podcast Series. Ongoing series that discusses topics of interest to clinicians in Washington, DC.
- Case Study Bank and eRounds. Archived webinar segments that discuss case studies of patients that providers may encounter in practice in Washington, DC.
- Knowledge Center. Access to over 500 online resources related to telehealth, HIV/AIDS, and cultural and linguistic competence.