MSI-H2P Resources
Materials for Project Partners
Resources: New Mexico
HIV Care and Services Guide, HIV Care and Treatment Program Public Health Division New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), Revised February 2017
This guide will assist in finding HIV-related medical care and services. It also explains what is necessary for enrollment in the network.
New Mexico Integrated Plan for HIV Prevention and Care: 2017 - 2021
New Mexico HIV Community Planning and Action Group (CPAG) New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) HIV, STD and Hepatitis September, 2016
The plan was developed via a statewide participatory planning process. This work was designed, coordinated and led by the New Mexico HIV Community Planning and Action Group (CPAG). CPAG was created by merging two former HIV planning bodies during June 2015.
HIV/STD/Hepatitis Resource Guide
This community-based website offering resources and information about services related to HIV, STDs, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction
Resources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center
- On-The-Go Power Podcast Series. Ongoing series that discusses topics of interest to clinicians in Washington, DC.
- Case Study Bank and eRounds. Archived webinar segments that discuss case studies of patients that providers may encounter in practice in Washington, DC.
- Knowledge Center. Access to over 500 online resources related to telehealth, HIV/AIDS, and cultural and linguistic competence.