MSI-H2P Resources
Materials for Project Partners
Resources: Boneau/Montana; Stone Child Community College
- Montana State Health Improvement Plan - The State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) outlines five key priority areas to improve health in Montana, with goals, proven strategies to address health problems, and data to monitor health trends. Engage with your public health departments on their work to create community health improvement plans at the local level and use the data and strategies in the SHIP to start a conversation about how local trends might be mirroring state public health concerns.
- The Center for HIV Law and Policy - These summaries highlight key aspects of state laws governing the rights of minors to consent to testing and/or treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV.
- Rural Health Information Hub - Montana's Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) uses the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations for HIV prevention with adults and adolescents to guide their prevention efforts providing behavioral risk counseling services, retreats for HIV-positive men, and MpowerMT groups.
- AIDS Outreach in MT - AIDS Outreach Is Dedicated to The Fight Against HIV In Southwest Montana
- Montana Department of Public Health and Safety Divison - The mission of the STD/HIV/Viral Hepatitis Program is to collaborate with others throughout Montana to help prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Viral Hepatitis (HCV), and improve access to treatment and
- City Data: Health and Nutrition of Boneau, MT Residents - People living in Boneau report their general health condition on average at 56 percent. Eight percent of them donate blood. Excluding tests they have had as part of blood donations, 47 percent of Boneau residents have ever had their blood tested for the AIDS virus infection. Six percent of people living in Boneau are left-handed
- Central Montana Family Planning - We offer reproductive health services on a sliding fee scale based on gross family income and family size to men, women, and teens. We provide sliding fees for HIV screening and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) treatments and confidential partner notification and treatment.
Resources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center
- On-The-Go Power Podcast Series. Ongoing series that discusses topics of interest to clinicians in Washington, DC.
- Case Study Bank and eRounds. Archived webinar segments that discuss case studies of patients that providers may encounter in practice in Washington, DC.
- Knowledge Center. Access to over 500 online resources related to telehealth, HIV/AIDS, and cultural and linguistic competence.