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MSI-H2P Resources

Materials for Project Partners

Resources: Maryland

HIV/STD Prevention Program - The HIV / STD Prevention Program focuses on efforts and activities that prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infection across Baltimore City. The program operates two categorical STD Clinics. These clinics provide testing, diagnosis and treatment for most commonly occurring STDs. The clinics also provide family planning services, Ryan White primary care services for HIV positive clients, and hepatitis B immunization through the Vaccine for Children’s program.  The program also provides health education services to schools and community groups upon request. 

Baltimore City HIV Fact Sheet, 2017. September 2018

Quick Maryland HIV Statistics. Maryland Department of Health

HIV in Maryland, 2017, Center for HIV Surveillance, Epidemiology and Evaluation Prevention and Health Promotion Administration Maryland Department of Health, September, 2018
Fact Sheet talks about the statistical data in Maryland on HIV.  

Maryland Annual HIV Epidemiological Profile, Data Reported through June, 2018
This report is an epidemiological profile that only contains data for HIV and AIDS cases that have been diagnosed by a health care provider, were reported to the health department by name, and were residents of Maryland at the time of diagnosis or are current residents of Maryland as of December 31, 2017.

Maryland HIV Data. Provides Prevalence and New Diagnosis Data

HIV Rates Down in Maryland, Elsewhere. February 24, 2017. Washington Blade

resourcesResources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center