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MSI-H2P Resources

Materials for Project Partners

Resources: Georgia

Georgia Prevention and Care Council (G-PACC) The Georgia Prevention and Care Council (G-PACC) is comprised of 44 members. An important objective is to foster an integrated planning process that encourages parity, inclusion, and representation among all community members. The Georgia Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan supports the vision of NHAS and brings forth an integrated approach to HIV prevention and care services specially designed for the state of Georgia.

HIV Risk Reduction Tool, CDC

Georgia’s Test-Link-Care (TLC) Network model uses community partnerships to organize HIV testing, HIV primary care, and support services throughout the state. The purpose of this network is to find and link newly diagnosed, out of care, and persons who have not been tested for HIV to services within their local community. 

Minority AIDS Initiative for Targeted Capacity Expansion (MAI-TCE) Program
The MAI-TCE program was a demonstration project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The purpose of the MAI-TCE program was to advance the expansion of community-based treatment systems for racial and ethnic persons struggling with substance use and mental disorders.

resourcesResources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center