MSI-H2P Resources
Materials for Project Partners
Resources: Florida
- HIV Integrated Epidemiological Profile Florida, 2019. The Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS Section collects, analyzes, and disseminates surveillance data to create the HIV Epidemiological Profile. The epidemiological profile describes the burden of HIV on the Florida population in terms of sociodemographic, geographic, behavioral, and clinical characteristics of persons living with an HIV diagnosis in Florida. This profile is a valuable tool used at the state and local levels among HIV programmatic staff, community partners, and the public for allocating HIV prevention and care resources, planning programs, and evaluating programs and policies.
- Aidsvu South Florida Data. In 2018, there were 110,907 people living with HIV in Florida and 4,573 people were newly diagnosed.
- Quick Florida HIV statistics, 2020: Florida Department of Health. Reducing HIV/AIDS transmissions.
- HIV Prevention – Florida.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts.
- PrEP Resources for Florida. Please PrEPMe is a searchable and location-responsive PrEP and PEP provider directory in English and Spanish. It supports the development of a national directory, and creating sex-positive HIV-prevention resources, making HIV-prevention resource pages for all 50 states. They have diligently worked to expand access to PrEP and PEP.
- Florida Department of Health Prevention Programs. Testing and Counseling, linkage, interventions, and Community engagement.
- Well Florida Council. Well Florida has been deeply involved in bringing quality HIV care and services to North Central Florida’s HIV-positive community for over 20 years. Recognizing the unique and complex challenges and critical unmet needs faced by this often impoverished and underserved community, Well Florida seeks to optimize available resources in a client-centered care network.
Resources: Florida/Miami Dade College
- HIV/STD Prevention Program - Prevention and Testing Programs in Miami-Dade County.
- FREE preventative education and testing such as HIV testing and Chlamydia, Gonorrhea & Syphilis screenings.
- Miami Dade County HIV Fact sheet, 2019 - The HIV/AIDS information include tables and maps that represent the most recent data available locally.
- Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership Ryan White Program Resources -The Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership is an advisory board to the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners. They provide input on community needs, set priorities, and allocate funds for the Ryan White Part A/MAI Program.
Resources from the Howard University Telehealth Training Center
- On-The-Go Power Podcast Series. Ongoing series that discusses topics of interest to clinicians in Washington, DC.
- Case Study Bank and eRounds. Archived webinar segments that discuss case studies of patients that providers may encounter in practice in Washington, DC.
- Knowledge Center. Access to over 500 online resources related to telehealth, HIV/AIDS, and cultural and linguistic competence.