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The Howard University MSI HIV/HCV Prevention Program (MSI-H2P)

William B. LawsonBiography

William B. Lawson, M.D., PhD is emeritus professor of psychiatry, at the Dell Medical School, University of Texas, Austin, and emeritus professor and formerly chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Howard University School of Medicine where he also held appointments in psychology and pharmacy.

He received a PhD in Psychology from the University of New Hampshire and MD from the Pritzker School of Medicine University of Chicago, did his residency at Stanford University and a fellowship at the National Institute of Mental Health. He is and has held faculty positions at the University of Illinois, Urbana, University of California, Irvine, Vanderbilt University, University of Arkansas, and Howard University.

He has received several awards to include the American Psychiatric Foundation Award for Advancing Minority Mental Health, the Solomon Carter Fuller Award by the American Psychiatric Association, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Exemplary Psychiatrist Award and Outstanding Psychologist Award.